The Founder of The Leonardo Trust

Anne van Brussel 1925-2023

Anne founded The Leonardo Trust in 2001 in loving memory of her husband Leonardo van Brussel (Leo) who had passed away in 1992.  Anne had cared for Leo when he became ill and experienced many of the difficulties and pressures that carers experience when caring for a loved one.

Anne wanted to do something practical to help other carers, so she founded a charity, The Leonardo Trust.

While her own health allowed, Anne took an active part in the charity, and she provided financial backing to support our operations.

During her lifetime she was very guarded in publicising her involvement and we respected her wish to remain anonymous.

Anne funded the work of the charity until she died in July 2023 aged 98.

The Leonardo Trust has grown to become the largest charity supporting carers in Dorset.


You can shed tears that she is gone

Or you can smile because she has lived